Wednesday, August 02, 2006

DAY 1: Brushing elbows with the Sam Roberts Band

(zab's rant)

BY THE WAY please know though pursuing writing I am by no means putting any real effort into these blogs. They are quick thoughts put together usually at one in the morning after a day of 3 planes/travel.)

Going on 3 hours of sleep we headed to the airport and with barely as much anticipation as needed for this trip. THANK YOU JULIE for driving us to the airport . The real magnitude of excitement began to hit me when we were at the gate. Anyway on our trip to Toronto there was a group of guys that we came to find out, were the Sam Roberts Band. It was fun talking to one of them about experiences and life etc. We conned them into doing something for us…..

(lowell's rant)
Planes are fast. The world however is very large and so it takes time to go from point A to point B. Our point A was edmonton, and point B was London. We were in toronto at some time, but it doesnt count as a number. Does Toronto count? maybe A.5. So anywayz, we sat a long time on small airplane seats. We got free food and went to the bathroom 10,000 feet above the earth. All good! We hope to keep you updated more regularly when we are in India. Yes, you heard it here, we plan to be regular in India (hopefully not too regularly haha).


Anonymous said...

Keep up the posting guys! I especially like the pictures. Who knew the Same Roberts Band was so short... I wouldn't have guessed it. Anyways, thanks for sharing your experiences. I would like to think that I am living vicariously through you.

Jemma said...

What!?! you just casually ran into Sam Roberts? Kind of strange. Just like the time we "casually" ran into Switchfoot I guess...
Your trip is very exciting.