Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Not The Usual Runs

Time for a Blog name change.

name for race report blog: run.lowell.run
name for India trip blog: lowells.got.the.runs

Need I say more?
(...because I am going to)

Traveler Risk for 'The Runs'
(click to view larger map)
Yes, India is in the red.

Here is a little tid bit of information on 'the runs' for ya:

On average, 50% of travelers to high-risk areas will develop [the runs] during a 1- to 2-week stay. Based on the annual figure of 50 million travelers to developing countries, this estimate translates to approximately 50,000 cases of TD each day.

Sounds great eh?
I will take the appropriate precautions and hope that my sickness resilient, vitamin fortified, and triathlon conditioned body will conquer whatever is thrown at it. Here is to hoping that I am part of the other 50% who do not get these oh so loved runs.

As for Zab, he is on his own.

All I know is that I do not plan on taking any morning runs on this trip!


m+K said...

hee hee lowell, I like the new name. Have a great time on your trip! We look forward to the updates. Kylie

shareen said...

Because I'm sure you really want to know this type of stuff about me, Julie and I are similar in the manner that we both have gastrointestinal issues (such a nice way of putting it, eh?) at times...I always have a chewable Immodium in my purse in case of an emergency attack of "Delhi Belly"...wait, I've never been to Delhi...

Anonymous said...

Well Lowell, it looks like the Ukraine is in an "intermediate" zone, which explains why you were fine on that trip. I hope that you don't have any problems in the "high risk" zone, but I still recommend carrying some TP around with you. You never know when it will come in handy...